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Complaints Procedure

Code of Practice for Patient Complaints

Our Code of Practice for patient concerns is as follows:

In this practice we take patient complaints very seriously indeed and we try to ensure that all patients are pleased with their experience of our orthodontic service.

Upon receipt of any complaint the patient is dealt with courteously and promptly so that the matter is resolved as quickly as possible. Our aim is to react to complaints that would satisfy us if we were the complaining party.

  1. Our nominated complaints officer and responsible person is Mrs M Brindley.
  2. Should a patient complain at reception or on the telephone we will listen to their comments and offer to refer them to Mrs M Brindley immediately. Notes will be made about their complaint and a copy of these made available. If Mrs Brindley is not available, the patient will be told when he/she will be able to speak with the complaints officer and arrangements will be made for this. The member of staff will take written details and pass them to Mrs Brindley at the earliest opportunity.
  3. If a complaint is received in writing this will be passed immediately to the complaints officer.
  4. If a complaint is about clinical care it should be referred initially to the orthodontist concerned unless the patient does not wish this to happen.
  5. The complaints officer will acknowledge the complaint within three working days and enclose a copy of this Code of Practice.
  6. A meeting will be sought within ten working days of the complaint to investigate the circumstances which led to the complaint. Should the patient not wish this then an attempt to talk on the telephone will be made.
  7. Following this meeting a decision about the complaint will be notified to the patient within ten working days.
  8. Proper and comprehensive records will be kept of these discussions.
  9. If you remain dissatisfied with the response to your complaint. You have the right to ask the Health Service Ombudsman to review your case. The Health Service Ombudsman is an independent body established of performance of those who provides services. You can contact the Health Service Ombudsman on 0345 015 4033 or write to them at:

    – The Health Service Ombudsman
    – Millbank Tower
    – Millbank, London SW1P 4QP
    – Email:

  10. We hope that this explains the procedure in our practice and trust that we will be able to address your concerns and perhaps learn from our discussions with you.

    Who else can help?

    The Patient and Liaison Service (PALS): 01270 612 410
    ICAS – Independent Complaint Advocacy Service: 0845 120 3735